ISARD partners Carisimo e.v Germany to help improve the livelihood of the Thami Community in Sindhupalchwok. We work with women’s groups from Chokati and Ghorthali through training programs, agriculture input support and microcredit. Our aim is to improve farming habits, diversity crop from staple to cash crop and increase the income of each individual household. In order to achieve that we build irrigation schemes, collection centers. Each village has their own Agriculture based trainers(JTA) working rigorously with the farmers throughout the year. The regular involvement encourages farmers towards cash crops and helps farmers to understand crops and its challenges.
Other than the agriculture work ISARD and Carisimo e.v is working to build and manage primary schools in our region. By involving Local government community and Volunteers we have built two primary schools in the past. In 2021 we are building one primary school in Tungathlai.